We are trying to monitor all our former residents and to be in touch with their new owners. But people normally write to us first; pet parents often share stories about their animals.

Tatiana Plotnikova texted us on April 13. In November 2021, she arrived in Tbilisi from Moscow to adopt Basta. She also picked up a cat called Laila for Ivan Reznichenko. Laila was a tiny kitten when Ivan found her in Georgia, therefore she could not make a trip to Russia. So, he asked us to look after the kitten until she is ready to travel.

The left picture, taken in August 2020, is of young Basta, who had just arrived at the shelter.
In the right picture, taken in April 2021, Basta is walking with Tatiana

“Thank you for Basta! She is a sweet doggo, well-behaved and really gentle. She brings a lot of joy at this sad time. She is not afraid of anyone or anything, and she makes friends with almost everyone. Despite being neutered, male dogs are still trying to flirt with her. We walk in the forest in the morning and Basta gets her Zoomies at full speed. She likes squirrels, ducks, and starlings. Sometimes she sits by the door like she is a guardian dog. Any noise can stimulate a bark; intruders shall not pass. She has got three dog coats and a raincoat, two sofas and a dog bed. And, of course, a fridge.”

We love hearing about our former residents! It is always good to know that life is getting better not only for cats and dogs who found forever homes but also for their owners.

Meanwhile, we would like to tell you about the dogs who were rehomed in April.


(Rehomed on April 3, 2022)

The word ‘Tunti’ literally means ‘a bear cub’ in Mingrelian. This is one of those dogs, which are far too big and tough-looking to live in the streets even though they are in fact kind and friendly. Therefore, the local community asked us to take the dog to our facility after the Dog Warden Department had neutered and released it.

On April 3, Tunti left our shelter in the front seat of a BMW. His new owner, Giege, is a local businessman and he is also our neighbour.


Puppies No.1 and No.2

(Rehomed on April 16, 2022)

We picked up a dog named Tari pregnant. She delivered her puppies on February 2, 2022, and we gave them the last name ‘Virzazunia’. By the middle of spring they already looked like grown-up dogs.

On April 16, two out of three puppies relocated to Inchkhuri, a village not far from the shelter.


(Rehomed on April 4, 2022)

Bo and his sister Po were delivered by Dekabrina, the pregnant dog we picked up before. Those puppies were born in December 2021.

The name of Bo’s new owner is Temuri. He is a vendor and he lives in the village next to us.


Puppy No.3

(Rehomed on April 18, 2022)

The third Virzazunia puppy was adopted right after his little brothers.

The owner is a greengrocer in Didi Chkhoni, and he promised to regale Tari’s son with carrots.


(Rehomed on April 22, 2022)

Hyperactive Puma had stayed at our shelter since June 2021. It was obvious from the very first day that she needed an owner, who can both pay enough attention to her and put a tremendous amount of effort.

On April 22, our neighbour Saba adopted Puma.


(Rehomed on April 24, 2022)

On April 9, our team member met Elis while he was walking his dog. The local Dog Warden Department had just neutered and released her. It was clear that this young shepherd dog was abandoned not long ago. She looked clean and well-groomed, but the dog was totally confused. Therefore, she sought attention from any person with a dog.

Right after a health check and some essential medical procedures Elis was transferred to a small monastery in Imereti, that she is going to guard.