On International Dog Day, I’d like to say that I hate quotes such as ‘dogs are better than people’ or ‘the more I learn about people, the more I like my dog’.

Those viral, but nasty platitudes are everywhere around you.

But, as a matter of fact, dogs are neither better nor worse than people. Dogs are just different.

A dog can save his owner, attack a human, or guard a house. Dogs can eat their puppies or be absolutely affectionate to people. But only people have consciousness; and therefore they’re able to experience empathy and can be compassionate. That’s why people should take ultimate responsibility for everything that happens to their dogs. In other words, dogs are dependent on humans.

A dog is a divine gift and a heavy burden for modern people simultaneously. We are very lucky; after thousands of years side by side with humans, dogs have become unique creatures that trust people, rely on them, and they’re ready to form friendships right after birth.

You may not be a dog lover, but you can’t deny that there are living beings very close to us, and they are unable to live without us. Dogs are God’s creatures, just as we are.

And even if you don’t believe in God, just realize that dogs have been helping humans for almost an eternity, and that bond of trust is already in their genes. It’s simply their nature. I think my subscribers are already aware of that.

And this may be a sensitive subject, or rather, a tough job that no one wants to do, including me actually. In order for society to change its attitude towards dogs (not on your life, unfortunately), it isn’t enough just to write texts and throw tantrums. You must show other people how to treat a dog. And not only a dog. Cruelty and indifference can’t target just a single object. They usually spread much further.

Once again; dogs are neither better nor worse than people. Dogs just trust people. They demonstrate an innate desire to ask a human for help, and dogs have no idea why. Up to senior dog age their mental abilities are close to a human child age 3.

Imagine a human child left on the sidewalk…

We must talk about that. Dogs can’t talk, so in that human-canine bond people are the speakers.

From the founder of the project — Lena Berezina