We have already written about the lack of shade in our facility in the hot weather season. At the end of the previous month we shared our plans on planting as many trees on our land as possible. The first thing we had on our wish list started coming true almost immediately after publishing; on March 31, we planted 10 persimmon trees, which were a gift to our shelter from Goga Chargazia.

And on April 2, a camellia bush started blooming. It is growing by the lower kennels near the entrance to the shelter.

The soil on our ranch is quite uncommon, it is so-called ‘terra rossa’ (Italian for ‘red soil’). During just one season the red clay slopes can easily collapse under the influence of pouring rain in conjunction with water derived from snowmelt. Therefore, we need trees with strong roots to prevent landslides, not just to create the shade. In addition, the territory of the shelter is relatively large; stinging blackberry thorns are always trying to grow back, which makes the area totally impassable for both dogs and people. That is why we need to plant as many different trees of different species as we can.

We will continue sharing our little wins and accomplishments, such as creating shade for dogs and for people; for future generations, figuratively speaking. And we will keep on building our life on that land.

The episodes of extreme weather often occurred last year. First was the heatwave that reached 48 degrees in the shade. Then, the freeze and heavy snow, which are quite unusual for this region. Obviously, not everything we sowed last year finally survived, but on the whole, everything is all right! The bamboo plants by the river that we planted last year rooted well. And we are going to place a bench there. Almost every stock we planted survived the winter, too; for example, paulownia trees by the puppy kennels in the lower yard and cypresses on the hill next to the ranch house.

On the other hand, the territory of the shelter is too large. So, the only possible solution is to keep planting trees. Eventually, the future green and shady utopia is worth unplanned expenses.

The Soul Garden

We sometimes indulge in reminiscence about the alpine-like meadows of Zemo Tskluleti. There is something spectacular in the way the spring sunlight makes the shimmering grasses of the meadows shine.

A flower garden is a little part between the kennels in the yard by the farmhouse. It is isolated from our overcurious dogs. Flowers bring joy and positive energy. In addition, gardening is fulfilling. We sometimes deal with serious problems in the facility. So, we use the garden as a stress reliever.

This place is so beautiful this spring! And maybe we will plant potatoes later on, who knows!

Edited: April 30, 2022

Last year this plant was no more than a dry stem. We transplanted it into a safe garden. But in spring it sprouted and turned into a pink rhododendron.