We are trying to monitor all our former residents and to be in touch with their new owners. But people normally write to us first; pet parents often share stories about their animals.

Tatiana Plotnikova texted us on April 13. In November 2021, she arrived in Tbilisi from Moscow to adopt Basta. She also picked up a cat called Laila for Ivan Reznichenko. Laila was a tiny kitten when Ivan found her in Georgia, therefore she could not make a trip to Russia. So, he asked us to look after the kitten until she is ready to travel.

The left picture, taken in August 2020, is of young Basta, who had just arrived at the shelter.
In the right picture, taken in April 2021, Basta is walking with Tatiana

“Thank you for Basta! She is a sweet doggo, well-behaved and really gentle. She brings a lot of joy at this sad time. She is not afraid of anyone or anything, and she makes friends with almost everyone. Despite being neutered, male dogs are still trying to flirt with her. We walk in the forest in the morning and Basta gets her Zoomies at full speed. She likes squirrels, ducks, and starlings. Sometimes she sits by the door like she is a guardian dog. Any noise can stimulate a bark; intruders shall not pass. She has got three dog coats and a raincoat, two sofas and a dog bed. And, of course, a fridge.”

We love hearing about our former residents! It is always good to know that life is getting better not only for cats and dogs who found forever homes but also for their owners.

Meanwhile, we would like to tell you about the dogs who were rehomed in April.


(Rehomed on April 3, 2022)

The word ‘Tunti’ literally means ‘a bear cub’ in Mingrelian. This is one of those dogs, which are far too big and tough-looking to live in the streets even though they are in fact kind and friendly. Therefore, the local community asked us to take the dog to our facility after the Dog Warden Department had neutered and released it.

On April 3, Tunti left our shelter in the front seat of a BMW. His new owner, Giege, is a local businessman and he is also our neighbour.


Puppies No.1 and No.2

(Rehomed on April 16, 2022)

We picked up a dog named Tari pregnant. She delivered her puppies on February 2, 2022, and we gave them the last name ‘Virzazunia’. By the middle of spring they already looked like grown-up dogs.

On April 16, two out of three puppies relocated to Inchkhuri, a village not far from the shelter.


(Rehomed on April 4, 2022)

Bo and his sister Po were delivered by Dekabrina, the pregnant dog we picked up before. Those puppies were born in December 2021.

The name of Bo’s new owner is Temuri. He is a vendor and he lives in the village next to us.


Puppy No.3

(Rehomed on April 18, 2022)

The third Virzazunia puppy was adopted right after his little brothers.

The owner is a greengrocer in Didi Chkhoni, and he promised to regale Tari’s son with carrots.


(Rehomed on April 22, 2022)

Hyperactive Puma had stayed at our shelter since June 2021. It was obvious from the very first day that she needed an owner, who can both pay enough attention to her and put a tremendous amount of effort.

On April 22, our neighbour Saba adopted Puma.


(Rehomed on April 24, 2022)

On April 9, our team member met Elis while he was walking his dog. The local Dog Warden Department had just neutered and released her. It was clear that this young shepherd dog was abandoned not long ago. She looked clean and well-groomed, but the dog was totally confused. Therefore, she sought attention from any person with a dog.

Right after a health check and some essential medical procedures Elis was transferred to a small monastery in Imereti, that she is going to guard.


A lot of dogs have been rehomed by locals recently. Our neighbours from the village near the shelter, as well as the people from surrounding communities and towns, all do a wide variety of jobs; from shepherding to doing business. And they visit the shelter to adopt an animal more and more often. It is marvellous not only because our animals find their new and loving family, but also because it gives hope for the future of all stray dogs in Georgia.

We have housed 2 puppies in one day today; an adolescent dog Simba and a puppy from the Bonusoff family. For this occasion let us summarize the results of the first three months, the coldest months of the year. And also let us tell you a bit more about some of our recently adopted animals.


(Rehomed on January 8, 2022)

Some folks picked up Ucha in Nokolakevi in June 2021 and asked us to give her a temporary shelter.

On January 8 Zviad Kardava came in and adopted Ucha.


(Rehomed on January 10, 2022)

We found Chizhik in June 2021 and he was immediately recognized as a brother of Naida, the dog that already lived at our shelter.

Our builder Renat fell in love with Chizhik and Naida while he was working on the construction site. On January 10 Renat asked us to let him adopt Chizhik.


(Rehomed on January 10, 2022)

On a cold day in February 2021 we were trying to catch Shauna, a dog with an injured paw, on the highway near a grocery store.

This January Shauna came to Tbilisi for neutering. Sofia and Ivan went to a meet-up with a dog, and then they could no longer be parted. They said she was ‘a cute bunny’.


(Rehomed on January 12, 2022)

Zuko, his sister Bimi and their mother Charlotte joined us at the end of October 2021. The puppies were really young back then.

On January 12 Goderdzi Facacia got Zuko from the shelter for his son. ‘Let them both grow up together,’ he said.


(Rehomed on January 21, 2022)

Lapsa was surrendered to us on September 14, 2021. Since then she became one of the most prominent figures in our ‘Dog City’.

Our permanent employee Zviad was very affectionate with that dog. Therefore, he took Lapsa for his mother on January 21.


(Rehomed on January 26, 2022)

Naughty Shura came to the shelter on January 13, 2022. She chose her future owner right on the first day.

Our permanent employee Yana adopted Shura on January 26.


(Rehomed on January 30, 2022)

On April 12, 2021 two tethered dogs were just left by our gates. One of them was Foxy.

Our permanent employee Luka adopted Foxy on January 30.


(Rehomed on February 1, 2022)

On November 15, 2021 Rada gave birth to Almaz and his sisters Vira and Maina. Rada was already pregnant when we impounded her.

As soon as Jimmy came to the shelter from Chkhorotsqu to choose a puppy, our kennel teammate with Almaz on the leach didn’t even have time to reach him. Jimmy was already breaking a smile and was ready to embrace the dog. He said Almaz looked just like the dog that had been already living in his house for seven years.


(Rehomed on February 10, 2022)

Akhali, as well as four more puppies, was given a ‘surname’ Gosiashwili. They came to our shelter from Racha at the end of October 2021.

On February 10 our permanent employee Luka rehomed Akhali, who is now called Bubu, and brought him for his aunt to the village of Akhal Kahati.


(Rehomed on February 11, 2022)

On January 12 Cocker was hit by an oncoming vehicle in the outskirts of Kutaisi. It happened right before the eyes of our team who were transferring dogs to the shelter from Tbilisi. Fortunately, the dog came out of shock by the evening of the same day. The further health check showed that everything was fine with the animal.

And just after a month, Cocker was adopted by his new family from the village of Gachedili, which is located near our facility.


(Rehomed on February 18, 2022)

Little Kira stayed with us for only one week. She came to our shelter from Senaki on February 10.

And then on February 18 Kira was already adopted by our neighbour, Kakha, a shopkeeper from Didi Ckhoni.


(Rehomed on February 28, 2022)

We found Nayda in Martvili in the beginning of June 2021. And, to be honest, it was very hard to relinquish her even to the kindest family. It was like ripping the heart out of us.

Our builder Renat also loves Nayda. So, on February 28 Nayda went home with him. And now she’s living together with her brother, Chizhik.


(returned to her previous owner on March 23, 2022)

A woman from Kutaisi requested us to look after Beti on January 27. She had been trying to take care of the animal for a while, but she gave up. The woman thought the dog was completely paralyzed by a car accident.

After a month of rehabilitation therapy in Tbilisi Beti gained some strength, so she finally could walk again. Therefore, we were able to bring the dog back to her old household and to the people who were waiting for her return. So now Beti is in good hands.


(Rehomed on March 27, 2022)

Simba joined our family along with his two blood brothers and two stepbrothers at the end of January. The puppies were found freezing in the snow-covered fields of Marneuli. That is why we gave puppies a last name ‘OTMOROZKI’ (‘Lowlifes’, literally ‘frostbitten’).

Our neighbour Marika adopted Simba on March 27.


(Rehomed on March 27, 2022)

Six puppies were surrendered as a ‘bonus’ to a dog, whose paw was injured in an animal trap. We had already agreed to take that dog in advance.

On March 28, our neighbour Lonya, the shepherd of the village, adopted the brown Bonusoff puppy. By local customs, a dog is considered to be a livestock protector and a house guardian. Following the tradition, we exchanged a puppy for some pepper, ‘so that the puppy would grow fierce’.

Edited: March 31, 2022

Since we are making the list of milestones throughout the first three months of the year, it is worth mentioning that on the last day of March (after we had published the news), we found a new family for one more dog. It was Simba’s brother, the puppy from the ‘Lowlifes’.


(Rehomed on March 31, 2022)

This puppy came to us with Simba and his stepfamily from Marneuli.

The young Lowlife’s new owner is our neighbour Marman. He’s got a household that is in need of a tiny helper.